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New Forest Haylage is made from four different types of hybrid grasses on a two year rotation, providing high fibre levels with medium energy and protein levels ideal for most horses and ponies at rest or in light to medium work.
Hay needs around 4-5 days to make a good quality bale. Whereas you can make the same quality of haylage in about 48 hours.
Feeding dusty and mouldy hay can cause your horse to have respiratory problems. This would lead you to soak the hay in water for around 20 minutes to make it dust free. Haylage is baled at the exact moisture content to take out any chance of dust and the forming of mould. New Forest Haylage is packed in approximately 20kg bags and if not punctured can be left outside in all weathers.
In haylage the higher the moisture content the lower the fibre, energy and protein levels. If to say your haylage was 50-60 percent DM the haylage would have to be fed at a much higher quantity, our haylage is 60-70 percent dry matter.